Friday, May 26, 2006

How did I miss this quote for so long?

I had always felt life first as a story:
and if there is a story there is a story-teller.

G.K. Chesterton

The Power Of Coffee, Empathy, & Symbols

Pernell Goodyear is doing amazing work in our former hometown - it's so hard not to be jealous as it is what our hearts long to do. He puts such a beautiful edge on the difficulty that was brewing in the Caledonia area there.

I Am Pernell Goodyear

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Yokel - Directory of local stores and products.

Very cool new web2.0 tool to find all of the things you need! (Sorry Canada - U.S. only)

Yokel - Directory of local stores and products.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

In sickness and in health

We've been fighting that spring bug of clogged sinuses and wheezy lungs here in the Turner house. It slowed us down quite a bit this weekend, but we still managed to paint the kids new rooms at the other house. It hardly seems like we're really moving in a couple of weeks again. It sure doesn't look like it from the lack of cardboard and packing (not) going on!

I think I might be fighting bronchitis. I had a horrible case of it last year - and the shortness of breath and lingering ick makes me suspicious I am not going to get rid of this without some medicinal help. So, the appointment with the new doctor is set for tomorrow. I've been putting off seeing her. I guess it was because my doctor in Pennsylvania was such a negative experience. I always had amazing doctors in Ontario - it's like I've forgotten that and judged them all by her. Hopefully at least I can find out if my suspicions are correct and get on top of this illness. I have far too much to do in the next couple of weeks to not be full strength.

So far Keith hasn't been affected by the germs - if he goes down we're shot! I guess we have no right to complain - we've been so healthy for so long - and never anything major. Now if we can just get relocated and settled I can start to enjoy putting down some roots!

Update: Doctor cancelled because of "emergency"... poo - I came home from working at the apartment to get ready and Keith said they called. Hopefully they can squeeze me in tomorrow. I really need a script - I can come back for a physical later, but I need to get on top of this weeziness and coughing.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Saving Grace - New York Times

Lauren Winner speaks truth to the church (in the NEW YORK TIMES!) in supporting teens in a different kind of commitment to chastity - we can all learn from this one! (I'm ecstatic with the links she makes!)

Saving Grace - New York Times

ht to marko

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Grandad's Prayers of the Earth - Douglas Wood

I picked up this book at a garage sale this weekend for $.25. I would have paid more as the title and illustrations really called to me. After reading it this morning I realized it is priceless. What a wonderful story and tribute of a grandfather by his grandson.

It is also a wonderful teaching tool on prayer. How I longed for a vehicle to inpart this truth to my own children. Far too many times the church teaches prayer is a great shopping list at the vending machine of God. This book explodes that notion so gently.

I am so looking forward to reading it to Alinea & Jacob and helping them to understand that prayer is a far more inherent and authentic outpouring of ourselves than repetition or requests. I cannot recommend it more highly.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Off to tell my first story!

Pray for me!

UPDATE: It went so well - what a joy to write something, present it publically and have it received so well! I'll blog more about it tomorrow. Thanks so much for your prayers!