Thursday, March 06, 2008

Small things with great love

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." — Mother Teresa

I was reminded yesterday of the website 43 things by a post by Tex and I wracked my brain for my user name and password - finally got in and found that I hadn't been back to the site in 2 years. It was such a blast to see the 32 things I had listed and see what kind of progress I had made. I need to add to my list the extra 11 things and edit and mark finished the ones that I have accomplished. Some even made me smile that they had even made the list - they have faded from memory as to why they were so important to me at the time. Some gave me great joy to see that I have accomplished, even without actively knowing, many of the things on my list, or am making progress in the right direction. Each of them hopefully small things done with great love. RED is for works in progress, ORANGE is for things I have really achieved some success with.

Here's my 32 things as of 2005:

1. learn to be a storyteller
2. start blogging under my own name
3. embrace my femininity
4. voice my opinions without shame
5. speak the truth in love
6. write every day - since November 21, 2007!!!!!
7. pitch my book idea to publisher
8. take a yoga class
9. start painting again
10. finish one fix up project around the house
11. stop grinding my teeth
12. go out on "date nights" with my spouse on a regular basis
13. practice compassion
14. get off this continent - sadly canceled trip to Ireland this summer... sigh.
15. be more present with my children
16. get a laptop - not as big of a "need" - have found they are finicky and have enough time at home to write - now I want THIS instead...
17. have better posture
18. write a book
19. Find a balance between the things I want to do and the things I need to do
20. make a difference
21. Kiss in the rain
22. remodel my bathroom
23. eat healthier - this is the one that gives me the greatest joy - we're really doing it!
24. Spend less time fooling around on the net and more time actually working
25. Be a better friend
26. learn to sail - this one surprised me - it is still a deep desire, but I had forgotten how long I have wanted to do this.
27. exercise 3X a week
28. practice discardia - I RAWK at this now!
29. play more board games
30. find inner peace - far more peaceful than when I wrote this 2 years ago!
31. Finish what I start
32. Travel to India - this is the BIGGIE - one day!

I'll post my revised 43 things sometime soon. Do you 43 things? Let me know and I'll cheer you on!!


Erin said...

Such a cool list to read through. I wouldn't have guessed some of it :)

I do 43 things... well, 40 actually. I'm using it to track my 40 in 40.

Anonymous said...

I am always astonished when anything I've written had any kind of impact on anyone, let alone prompt them to take action of any kind. I'm really happy you got a kick out of getting acquainted with your 43things. Thank you for letting me be a part of it.

Anonymous said...

How are you coming on your list, friend?

Heidi Renee said...

your comment chris has taken me back to my list and i was able to mark some things "DONE" and have even started removing things that i no longer hold as priority. next i have to really think about what are the new things that i long to do.

thanks again for the nudge!!

how's yours?

Heidi Renee said...

oh, and i'm actually right smack dab in the middle of renovating my bathroom (so surprised that was on my list) and i have written every day for the past 9 months - yippee!!